Le manuel scolaire a toujours été un outil indispensable au processus d’apprentissage. Si pendant les années 90 en Haïti, le modèle de l’enseignant brillant était celui-là qui se présentait en salle de classe, les  mains  vides  sinon muni d’un bâton de craie telle une cigarette, avec l’éclosion des nouvelles approches pédagogiques et la promotion des classes ateliers où la méthode interactive a pris le dessus, les manuels scolaires ont retrouvé leurs lettres de noblesse. Et malgré le développement des nouvelles technologies, le manuel scolaire reste encore le support à l’apprentissage le plus répandu et sans doute le plus efficace. En effet, le manuel scolaire a la vocation d’être présent à l’école et à la maison. Il facilite les apprentissages et l’acquisition des compétences, sert d’outil de planification et de source de documents, d’informations et d’exercices pour l’enseignant et l’apprenant...

597 Business ideas you can start from home
CHAPTER 1 - Business Start up Tips Thanks for investing in this little book - I hope it will help you achieve more freedom in your life. Be it time or money or travel - or whatever else feels limited at the moment. If you are looking to turn your passions and talents into a business, this book will show you various strategies to achieve that. If you hate your job, but don’t know how to replace the income, you will find plenty of ideas - for many different genres and skill sets. Or - if you would love to travel indefinitely, but need a location independent business that you can run from anywhere in the world - you will find many options here.
100 Great Marketing ideas
IF YOU PICKED this book up, you are probably looking for some new ideas. You might be a marketer yourself, you might be an entrepreneur or small business person, or you might just want to be able to drop in a few good ideas at the next meeting. This book will help with any of those aims. Marketing is, above everything else, about creating profi table exchanges. The exchanges should be profi table for both parties— fair trade always makes both parties better off, otherwise why would people trade at all? What we are aiming to do is offer products (which includes services, of course) that don’t come back, to customers who do come back. One of the basic concepts of marketing is customer centrality—in any question involving marketing, we always start with looking at what the customer needs. This does not, of course, mean that we are some kind of altruistic, charitable organization: we don’t GIVE the customer what he or she needs, we SELL the customer what he or she needs. Note that we defi ne needs pretty broadly, too—if a woman needs chocolate, or a man needs a beer, we are there to ensure that they do not have to wait long. Most of the ideas in this book offer you ways of improving the exchange process, by encouraging more of it or by making the exchanges more profi table.
100 Great Business ideas
This is a book about some of the best ideas used in business. Some are simple—sometimes almost embarrassingly so—while others are based on detailed research and brilliant intellect. Most are perennial, as their logic, simplicity, or value will help them endure; while others are, to be honest, rather faddy. What unites these business ideas is their proven power and potency. They are not only insightful and useful, they have worked: often in a brilliant way or despite great adversity. The ability of the people who conceived and applied these ideas should be applauded. One word of warning: while these ideas have worked for the companies mentioned at the time they applied them, it is not to say that these businesses will always get everything else right, forever more. They produced a result at the time, but if this book has any general lessons it is that new ideas and energy are needed constantly— in many ways and at varying times—to ensure success.
No Escape, No Problem
We already have everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on ourselves—the heavy-duty fearing that we’re bad and hoping that we’re good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds—never touch our basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun. But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here. This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake. Looking at ourselves this way is very different from our usual habit. From this perspective we don’t need to change: you can feel as wretched as you like, and you’re still a good candidate for enlightenment. You can feel like the world’s most hopeless basket case, but that feeling is your wealth, not something to be thrown out or improved upon. There’s a richness to all of the smelly stuff that we so dislike and so little desire. The delightful things—what we love so dearly about ourselves, the places in which we feel some sense of pride or inspiration—these also are our wealth.
Y our ability to speak to an audience is essential to your success. Speaking well can garner the respect and esteem of others, make you more valuable to your company, and get attention from people who can help you and open doors for you. Good speaking ability will also convince people that you are generally more talented and intelligent than others who do not speak as well. What is your most valuable asset? Your mind. One of the most precious skills you have is your ability to think well and to express yourself clearly. This skill can help you earn more and get pro- 1
moted faster as much as any other talent you can develop. After all, the only way you can demonstrate your mastery of a subject is by expressing your thoughts and ideas clearly aloud and in writing. When you speak well, people say, ‘‘He really knows what he’s talking about.’’ The good news is that your mind is like a muscle. It grows stronger and more capable with use. Organizing your thoughts and words in advance makes you more alert and aware of what you are saying and how you are saying it. The act of planning, preparing, and delivering talks and presentations forces you to use your mind at a higher level, and it actually makes you smarter.
Social Media Marketing
The challenges facing global businesses and the people who lead them are now, more than ever, intertwined in the direct empowerment and involvement of customers and stakeholders. The World Wide Web— described by Sir Tim Berners-Lee as “an interactive sea of shared knowledge…made of the things we and our friends have seen, heard, believe or have figured out”—has dramatically accelerated the shift to consumer-driven markets. For millennia, power has rested with those resources: first with land, then capital, and most recently, information. In a socially connected marketplace, shared knowledge is now emerging as the ultimate resource. Information wants to be free, and in these new markets it is: free of constraints on place, free of control on content, and free of restrictive access on consumption.
Think and Grow Rich is a guide to success by Napoleon Hill, which was first published in 1937 following the Great Depression. It was immediately welcomed as an antidote to hard times and remained a bestseller for decades. Many people still find its philosophy of positive thinking and its specific steps for achieving wealth both relevant and life-changing. Hill contends that our thoughts become our reality, and offers a plan and principles for transforming thoughts into riches, including visualization, affirmation, creating a Master Mind group, defining a goal, and planning.
In The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill—best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich—demystifies what it takes to achieve success. This guide explores Hill’s thoughts on achieving success in two parts:
  • In the first part, we’ll explore how your conscious, habitual thoughts impress upon your subconscious mind, and how the impression they leave influences all of your subsequent thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. 
  • In the second part, we’ll present a step-by-step process for aligning your conscious thoughts and behaviors with what you want to achieve, which will retrain your subconscious mind to create more successful experiences.
“The beauty of bodybuilding is that anything can happen if you make it happen. By your own efforts you can add or subtract pounds of bodyweight. You can build your arms, shoulders, legs, chest and back. In doing so you can find pleasure in training that you might never have dreamed possible.” – Editorial in Musclemag International. t’s difficult to determine when exactly bodybuilding became a sport. It’s like trying to Idetermine which bodybuilding expert invented which training technique – ask three different people and you’ll get three different answers. Before we dive into the heart of what makes bodybuilding such a fascinating sport, let’s trace the sport’s fascinating evolution.
Le grand livre de L'ENTREPRENEURIAT
L'entrepreneuriat est un thème porteur, certains diraient même à la mode, et ceci, tout autour du globe ! Mais en fait, qu ’ est-ce que l ’ entrepreneuriat ? Cette introduction va permettre de définir et clarifier ce concept, d’en donner quelques repères datés, de s’attarder sur les créateurs d’aujourd’hui et notamment sur leur profil. On mettra en lumière le grand dynamisme de la création d’entreprise, mais aussi le faible nombre de transformations de ces très petites entreprises (TPE) en entreprises à taille intermédiaire (ETI) ; ainsi que l’envie d’entreprendre des Français et leur représentation de la création d’entreprise. On abordera également les mesures les plus importantes – et elles sont nombreuses –, qui ont été prises ces dernières années en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat, que ce soit au niveau européen ou en France. Enfin, après avoir fait un détour par la recherche et l’enseignement, on conclura sur l’avenir pour aller plus loin encore, à condition d’être au clair sur les objectifs que l’on cherche à atteindre.
Les 61 meilleurs conseils jamais écrits pour devenir auto entrepreneur
Pour plaisanter j’ai récemment demandé à Erin, «  Maintenant que les enfants sont en classe d’été, ne pense-tu pas qu’il est temps que tu ailles te trouver un travail ? Je n’aime pas te voir insouciante alors que tu es au chômage depuis déjà pas mal de temps » Elle a souri et a dit, «  Waouh. Je suis au chômage depuis vraiment très longtemps. C’est bizarre… Ça me plaît ! » Aucun de nous n’a eu d’emploi depuis les années 90 (mon seul boulot remonte à 92), c’est que nous sommes à notre compte depuis un bon moment. Chez nous c’est une blague classique que l’un de nous dise à l’autre, «  tu devrais peut-être chercher un boulot, bon à rien ! » C’est comme une scène des Three Stooges (NDLR : un trio comique américain des années 20) où Moe dit à Curly de chercher un travail, et Curly recule en disant, «  non s’il te plaît… Pas ça ! Tout sauf ça ! » C’est marrant de s’apercevoir que les gens, arrivés à un certain âge comme après leur diplôme d’études, se disent que c’est le moment d’aller chercher du travail. Mais comme beaucoup des choses que fait la majorité, juste parce que tout le monde le fait cela ne signifie pas que c’est une bonne idée.
How to Write a   Business Plan
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” said English poet and essayist Alexander Pope several centuries ago. He wasn’t describing people expanding or starting a business, but he may as well have been. Everyone who goes into business for themselves hopes to meet or surpass a set of personal goals. While your particular configuration is sure to be unique, perhaps you will agree with some of the ones I have compiled over the years from talking to hundreds of budding entrepreneurs.